Films and Books

Filmography of Completed Projects

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Festivals, Awards and Nominations


Some of the published books
adventure, historical, detective

Discover the history of the creation of the Internet that has been hidden from its users for 25 years.

Publishing house "Publishing solutions."

ISBN 978-5-4485-9397-0
hardcover, 312 pages.
adventure, science fiction

A journey to the Earth's orbit in order to survive the largest catastrophe in the history of mankind.

Publisher "Renome" 2008, republished in "Apple Bookstore" in 2012.

ISBN 978-1-6205-0116-0
mystery, horror, detective

An investigation of a mysterious tragedy that happened on a train.

Apple Bookstore Publishing.

ISBN 978-1-6205-0568-7

Press inquiries, PR and Collaboration:аt), Ashley